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Why are we doing this?

Because... what do you wanna leave behind?

For some people the answer is simple: my own children. For other people the answer could be: healthy environment, music and books, a lot of laughter in people's hearts.

And for some people the answer is:

"We genuinely want to help other people, to change their mindsets and to change their lives and then maybe, little by little even change the world."

― Restless Child

For me, the answer is simple: I want to bring joy and happiness into other people's lives. Which I think is the ultimate answer that anyone would give you if they really thought about what's the bottom line here.

Because, you do have an influence on people around you, even without realizing that. The only decision you need to make is whether you want to have a good or a bad influence on people. And every one makes this decision, it is mostly unconscious decision but decision nonetheless.

And frankly, you can't be yourself on one hundred percent whilst being among others. It is simply not possible. Because, any person near you always have at least a slight affect on your behavior. Even without saying a word, just their presence affects you. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ― Jim Rohn

We are constantly changing ourselves, we are not in one state our whole life. We're growing, we're evolving, we're flourishing. We're adjusting to people and to circumstances around us. That's life. That's how we, as a species, have manged it into the 21st century.

So, why do we try to be ourselves all the time? I mean, it is ok to act and to pretend a little bit in the company of others. As long as you don't deceive those around you, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

On the other hand, why do we hide and avoid other people? (other than to actually be ourselves for a little while :))) Is it because we don't want to show them our true self when we don't feel well? It should be ok to be sad, to be angry, to be stressed out. Stress makes us social. It compels us to seek help, solace and support in our loved ones. So, why don't we do that?

Once we realize that everything we do and anything we don't do have an affect on everyone and everything around us. We will understand what actually shapes our reality, our world, and we can then, little by little, start changing this world to be a better place.

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